Made at Wiko

New Arrivals from 1. March 2018 to 1. March 2019

Carola Lentz Fellow 2017/2018

Carola Lentz Fellow 2017/2018


Remembering Independence

Carola Lentz and David Lowe

received in May 2018

published in April 2018


Carola Lentz
Carola Lentz
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Isidore Lobnibe Fellow 2017/2018

Isidore Lobnibe Fellow 2017/2018


Jack Goody ; Early Fieldwork and the Passing of an Era of Cambridge Anthropology in Northern Ghana

received in January 2019

published in December 2018

Ghana Studies

Isidore Lobnibe
Isidore Lobnibe
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani Fellow 2017/2018

Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani Fellow 2017/2018


Atlas zum Städtebau, Bd 1: Plätze, Bd 2: Straßen


received in May 2018

published in May 2018


Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani
Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Kris Manjapra Fellow 2017/2018

Kris Manjapra Fellow 2017/2018


When will Britain Face up to its Crimes Against Humanity?

received in April 2018

published in March 2018

The Guardian

Kris Manjapra
Kris Manjapra
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi Fellow 2017/2018

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi Fellow 2017/2018


Writer and Exile

'Abd al-Rahman Munif. Translated and indroduced by Sonja Mejcher-Atassi, Iman Al Kaisy

received in November 2018

published in November 2018

Journal of World Literature

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi
Sonja Mejcher-Atassi
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi Fellow 2017/2018

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi Fellow 2017/2018


Unpacking Saʿdallāh Wannūs’ Private Library : on the (After)Lives of Books

received in May 2019

published in January 2019

Journal of Arabic Literature

Sonja Mejcher-Atassi
Sonja Mejcher-Atassi
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Natasha Mhatre Fellow 2013/2014

Natasha Mhatre Fellow 2013/2014


Tree Cricket Baffles are Manufactured Tools

received in November 2018

published in July 2018


Natasha Mhatre
Natasha Mhatre
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Natasha Mhatre Fellow 2013/2014

Natasha Mhatre Fellow 2013/2014


Tympanal Spontaneous Oscillations Reveal Mechanisms for the Control of Amplified Frequency in Tree Crickets

Natasha Mhatre and Daniel Robert

received in November 2018

published in May 2018

AIP Conference Proceedings

Natasha Mhatre
Natasha Mhatre
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Natasha Mhatre Fellow 2013/2014

Natasha Mhatre Fellow 2013/2014


Posture Controls Mechanical Tuning in the Black Widow Spider Mechanosensory System

Natasha Mhatre, Senthurran Sivalinghem, Andrew C. Mason

received in August 2019

published in December 2018


Natasha Mhatre
Natasha Mhatre
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Herbert Molderings Fellow 2002/2003

Herbert Molderings Fellow 2002/2003


Über Marcel Duchamp und die Ästhetik des Möglichen

received in February 2020

published in February 2019

Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König

Herbert Molderings
Herbert Molderings
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Philippe Mongin Fellow 2015/2016

Philippe Mongin Fellow 2015/2016


Analytic Narratives : What They are and How They Contribute to Historical Explanation

received in August 2019

published in September 2018

Handbook of Cliometrics

Philippe Mongin
Philippe Mongin
more publications in the Fellows' Library

William Mulligan Fellow 2013/2014

William Mulligan Fellow 2013/2014


Armageddon : Political Elites and their Visions of a General European War before 1914

received in November 2018

published in May 2018

War in History

William Mulligan
William Mulligan
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Hannah Mumby Fellow 2017/2018

Hannah Mumby Fellow 2017/2018


Taking the Elephants' Perspective: Remembering Elephant Behavior, Cognition and Ecology in Human-Elephant Conflict Mitigation

Hannah S. Mumby and Joshua M. Plotnik

received in August 2018

published in August 2018


Hannah Mumby
Hannah Mumby
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Jihwan Myung Fellow 2016/2017

Jihwan Myung Fellow 2016/2017


The Choroid Plexus is an Important Circadian Clock Component

Jihwan Myung, Christoph Schmal, Sungho Hong, Yoshiaki Tsukizawa, Pia Rose, Yong Zhang, Michael J. Holtzman, Erik De Schutter, Hanspeter Herzel, Grigory Bordyugov & Toru Takumi

received in March 2018

published in March 2018


Jihwan Myung
Jihwan Myung
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Mary O'Sullivan Fellow 2016/2017

Mary O'Sullivan Fellow 2016/2017


The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Capitalism

received in November 2018

published in November 2018

Enterprise & Society

Mary O'Sullivan
Mary O'Sullivan
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Héctor Pérez-Brignoli Fellow 2008/2009

Héctor Pérez-Brignoli Fellow 2008/2009


Historia global de América Latina : del siglo XXI a la Independencia

received in January 2019

published in April 2018

Alianza editorial

Héctor Pérez-Brignoli
Héctor Pérez-Brignoli
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Jan Plamper Fellow 2014/2015

Jan Plamper Fellow 2014/2015


Das neue Wir : warum Migration dazugehört

received in March 2019

published in February 2019

S. Fischer

Jan Plamper
Jan Plamper
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Theodore M. Porter Fellow 2013/2014

Theodore M. Porter Fellow 2013/2014


Genetics in the Madhouse: The Unknown History of Human Heredity

received in May 2018

published in June 2018

Princeton University Press

Theodore M. Porter
Theodore M. Porter
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Frank Rexroth Fellow 2008/2009

Frank Rexroth Fellow 2008/2009


Fröhliche Scholastik : die Wissenschaftsrevolution des Mittelalters

received in September 2018

published in September 2018

C.H. Beck

Frank Rexroth
Frank Rexroth
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Sebastian Rödl Fellow 2014/2015

Sebastian Rödl Fellow 2014/2015


Selbstbewußtsein und Objektivität - Eine Einführung in den absoluten Idealismus

received in April 2019

published in January 2019

Suhrkamp / Insel

Sebastian Rödl
Sebastian Rödl
more publications in the Fellows' Library

Anda Rottenberg Fellow 2015/2016

Anda Rottenberg Fellow 2015/2016


Perspektywa wieku dojrzewania : Szapocznikow – Wróblewski – Wajda

received in September 2018

published in June 2018

Muzeum Śląskie

Anda Rottenberg
Anda Rottenberg
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Emily Sena Fellow 2016/2017

Emily Sena Fellow 2016/2017


How our Approaches to Assessing Benefits and Harms can be Improved

ES Sena AND GL Currie

received in February 2019

published in February 2019

Animal Welfare

Emily Sena
Emily Sena
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James Simpson Fellow 2017/2018

James Simpson Fellow 2017/2018


Permanent Revolution : the Reformation and the Illiberal Roots of Liberalism

received in March 2019

published in February 2019

Harvard University Press

James Simpson
James Simpson
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Víctor Sojo Fellow 2018/2019

Víctor Sojo Fellow 2018/2019


Microfluidic Reactors for Carbon Fixation under Ambient-Pressure Alkaline-Hydrothermal-Vent Conditions

Victor Sojo, Aya Ohno, Shawn E. McGlynn, Yoichi M.A. Yamada and Ryuhei Nakamura

received in August 2019

published in February 2019


Víctor Sojo
Víctor Sojo
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Hari Sridhar Fellow 2013/2014

Hari Sridhar Fellow 2013/2014


Friendship Across Species Borders : Factors that Facilitate and Constrain Heterospecific Sociality

Hari Sridhar and Vishwesha Guttal

received in March 2018

published in March 2018

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

Hari Sridhar
Hari Sridhar
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86 Publications | Page 3 of 4