Members of the Academic Advisory Board from 1981 to the present
- Hubert Curien, Paris (cristallography)
1981 - 1983
- Yehuda Elkana, Jerusalem (history of science)
1981 - 1987
- Brian Flowers, London (nuclear physics)
1981 - 1983
- Kurt W. Forster, Stanford (art history)
1981 - 1983
- Philip Handler, Washington D.C. (biochemistry)
1981 - 1983
- Wilhelm A. Kewenig, Kiel (international law)
- Walther Killy, Wolfenbüttel (German literature)
1981 - 1986
- Hubert Markl, Konstanz (biology)
1981 - 1986
- Christian Meier, Bochum (history)
1981 - 1984
- Fritz Scharpf, Berlin (political science)
1981 - 1983
- Jurij Striedter, Cambridge M.A. (Slavic languages)
1981 - 1983
- Harry Woolf, Princeton (history of science)
1981 - 1987
- Steven Muller, Washington D.C. (political science)
1981 - 1984
- Wolf Lepenies, Princeton/Berlin (sociology)
1982 - 1984
- Hermann Bondi, London (physics)
1982 - 1988
- Kurt Rothschild, Linz (economics)
1982 - 1988
- Rudolf Cohen, Konstanz (psychology)
1982 - 1988
- Lorenz Krüger, Berlin/Bielefeld (philosophy)
1982 - 1987
- Oskar Mahrenholz, Hannover (engineering)
1982 - 1988
- Sigrid Peyerimhoff, Bonn (chemistry)
1982 - 1988
- René Thom, Bures-sur-Yvette (mathematics)
1982 - 1988
- Jochen Frowein, Heidelberg (law)
1982 - 1984
- Heinrich Ursprung, Zürich (biology)
1982 - 1987
- Willibald Sauerländer, München (art history)
1983 - 1989
- Ilya Prigogine, Brüssel (chemistry/physics)
1983 - 1986
- Reinhart Koselleck, Bielefeld (history)
1984 - 1987
- Shosaku Numa, Kyoto (biochemistry)
1984 - 1987
- Jürgen Aschoff, Andechs (behavioural psychology)
1985 - 1987
- Ralf Dahrendorf, London (sociology)
1986 - 1992
- Werner Maihofer, Florenz (law)
1986 - 1989
- Victor Urquidi, Mexico (economics)
1986 - 1989
- Norbert Miller, Berlin (German literature)
1987 - 1993
- Richard McKay Rorty, Charlottesville (philosophy)
1987 - 1990
- Rüdiger Wehner, Zürich (biology)
1987 - 1990
- Abraham Pais, New York (physics)
1987 - 1993
- Fritz Stern, New York (history)
1987 - 1993
- Paul J. Crutzen, Mainz (chemistry)
1988 - 1991
- Sudhir Kakar, Neu Delhi (psychology)
1988 - 1994
- Lea Ritter-Santini, Münster (comparative literature)
1988 - 1991
- Melitta Schachner, Heidelberg (neurobiology)
1988 - 1991
- Friedrich Hirzebruch, Bonn (mathematics)
1988 - 1994
- Thomas Gaehtgens, Berlin (art history)
1989 - 1995
- Dieter Grimm, Karlsruhe (law)
1989 - 1995
- Lutz Hoffmann, Berlin (economics)
1989 - 1995
- Karl Alexander Müller, Zürich (informatics/physics)
1989 - 1992
- Nancy Cartwright, London (philosophy)
1991 - 1996
- Martin Fontius, Berlin (Romance literature)
1991 - 1994
- Benno Parthier, Halle (biochemistry)
1991 - 1994
- Werner Stumm, Dübbendorf/Schweiz (chemistry)
1991 - 1994
- Klaus von Beyme, Heidelberg (political sciences)
1992 - 1998
- Horst Kern, Marburg (cellular biology)
1992 - 1998
- Peter Mathias, Cambridge (economic history)
1992 - 1998
- Philip Fisher, Cambridge M.A. (English literature)
1993 - 1999
- Hans A. Weidenmüller, Heidelberg (physics)
1993 - 1999
- Brian Stock, Toronto (history/comparative literatures)
1993 - 1999
- Robert Darnton, Princeton (history)
1994 - 2000
- Ashok V. Desai, Neu Delhi (economics)
1994 - 1997
- Rainer Münz, Berlin (social sciences/sociology)
1994 - 2000
- Hans Oeschger, Bern (physics)
1994 - 1997
- John R. Krebs, Swindon (biosciences)
1995 - 2001
- Janusz Reiter, Warschau (German literature/philosophy/sociology)
1995 - 2001
- László Sólyom, Budapest (law)
1995 - 2001
- Onora O'Neill, Cambridge (philosophy)
1996 - 2002
- Horst Bredekamp, Berlin (art history)
1997 - 2003
- Olaf Kübler, Zürich (theoretical physics/informatics)
1997 - 2003
- Gudrun Krämer, Berlin (Islamic literatures)
1998 - 2004
- Barry Eichengreen, Berkeley (economics)
1998 - 2000
- Peter Katzenstein, Ithaca (political sciences)
1998 - 2004
- Stephen Greenblatt, Cambridge M.A. (English literature)
1999 - 2001
- Christoph Markschies, Jena/Berlin (theology/ecclesiastical history)
1999 - 2005
- Jan-Michael Rost, Dresden (physics)
1999 - 2005
- Ian Baldwin, Jena (biosciences)
2000 - 2003
- Jacques Revel, Paris (history)
2000 - 2006
- Björn Wittrock, Uppsala (sociology)
2000 - 2006
- John Langbein, New Haven (law)
2001 - 2007
- Gerhard Neuweiler, München (zoology)
2001 - 2004
- Igor Aleksander, London (informatics)
2001 - 2004
- János Kornai, Cambridge M.A./Budapest (economics)
2001 - 2004
- Claudio Magris, Triest (German literature)
2001 - 2004
- Luca Giuliani, München (archeology)
2002 - 2007
- Lorraine Daston, Berlin (history of science)
2002 - 2008
- Gertrude Lübbe-Wolff, Karlsruhe (law)
2003 - 2009
- Gottfried Schatz, Bern (biochemistry)
2003 - 2005
- Heinrich Detering, Kiel/Göttingen (German literature)
2004 - 2010
- Herfried Münkler, Berlin (political sciences)
2004 - 2007
- Robert Pippin, Chicago (philosophy)
2004 - 2010
- Peter Stucki, Zürich (informatics)
2004 - 2010
- Carl Christian von Weizsäcker, Köln (economics)
2004 - 2010
- Ayse Çaglar, Budapest/Göttingen (sociology/social anthropology)
2005 - 2011
- Felix von Oppen, Berlin (physics)
2005 - 2011
- José Casanova, New York/Washington (sociology)
2006 - 2011
- Peter Gärdenfors, Lund (cognitive science)
2006 - 2012
- Roger Nitsch, Zürich (molecular psychiatry)
2006 - 2012
- Maria Todorova, Urbana-Champaign (history)
2006 - 2012
- Oliver Primavesi, München (classical philology)
2007 - 2013
- Kathleen Thelen, Evanston/Cambridge, M.A. (political science)
2007 - 2013
- Elizabeth Jelin, Buenos Aires (sociology)
2008 - 2014
- Friederike Pannewick, Marburg (oriental studies)
2009 - 2015
- James Ferguson Conant, Chicago (philosophy)
2010 - 2016
- Daniel Halberstam, Ann Arbor (law)
2010 - 2016
- Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly, Oxford (German literature)
2010 - 2016
- Michael Burda, Berlin (economy)
2011 - 2013
- David Freedberg, New York (art history)
2011 - 2017
- Erwin Frey, München (physics)
2011 - 2014
- Pierre-Michel Menger, Paris (sociology)
2011 - 2014
- Nikolaus Rajewsky, Berlin (biology)
2011 - 2017
- Sebastian Conrad, Berlin (history)
2012 - 2018
- Susan M. Gasser, Basel (molecular biology)
2012 - 2017
- Ulrich Raulff, Marbach (history)
2012 - 2018
- Michael Tomasello, Leipzig (psychology)
2012 - 2015
- Kelly Askew, Ann Arbor (anthropology, African studies)
2013 - 2019
- Henrik Enderlein, Berlin (political economy)
2013 - 2019
- Bruce Kogut, New York (sociology/economics)
2013 - 2019
- Isabel Mundry, Zürich/München (composition)
2014 - 2020
- Thomas Stocker, Bern (environmental physics)
2014 - 2017
- Ulrike Freitag, Berlin (Islamic studies)
2015 - 2018
- Ludwig Huber, Wien (biology, neurosciences)
2015 -2021
- William Marx, Paris (comparative literature)
2016 - 2022
- J. Christopher McCrudden, Belfast (law)
2016 – 2022
- Amrita Narlikar, Hamburg (international political economy)
2016 - 2017
- Rogers Brubaker, Los Angeles (sociology)
2017 - 2023
- Anne Ephrussi, Heidelberg (biology)
2017 - 2022
- Stefan Gosepath, Berlin (philosophy)
2017 - 2023
- Mary O’Sullivan, Genf (economic history)
2017 - 2023
- Ralph Ubl, Basel (art history)
2017 - 2021
- Jürgen Kaube, Frankfurt a.M. (journalist)
2018 - 2024
- Rachid Ouaissa, Marburg (political science/politics of the middle east)
2018 - 2024
- Willibald Steinmetz, Bielefeld (history)
2018 - 2024
- Carl Eduard Scheidt, Freiburg (psychosomatic medicine/psychotherapy )
2018 - 2024
- Dorothea Kübler, Berlin (economics)
2019 -
- Dorothea Schulz, Münster (ethnology)
2019 -
- Onur Güntürkün, Bochum (psychology)
2021 -
- Sarah Stroumsa, Jerusalem (Arabic studies)
2021 -
- Tatjana Hörnle, Freiburg (law)
2022 -
- Aden Kumler, Basel (art history)
2022 -
- Juliane Vogel (German literature)
2022 - 2024
- Sebastian Bonhoeffer, Zürich (biology)
2023 -
- Nicolas Dodier, Paris (sociology)
2023 -
- Hannah Ginsborg, Berkeley (philosophy)
2023 -
- Rana Mitter, Cambridge, M.A. (history and politics of modern China)
2023 -
- Martin von Koppenfels, München (comparative literature)
2024 -
- Sibylle Anderl, Hamburg (journalist)
2024 -
- Ulrike Dinger-Ehrenthal, Düsseldorf (psychosomatic medicine)
2024 -
- Philipp Felsch, Berlin (cultural history)
2024 -
- Silja Häusermann, Zürich (political science)
2024 -
- Yael A. Sternhell, Tel Aviv (history and American studies)
2024 -
Members elected by the Board of Trustees
- Hellmut Becker, Berlin (Max Planck Institute for Human Development)
1983 - 1993
- Paul Mikat, Bonn (former Minister of Culture and Education)
1983 - 1987
- Wolf Jobst Siedler, Berlin (publisher)
1983 - 1993
- Heinrich Ursprung, Zürich (biology)
1987 - 1995
- Peter Glotz, Erfurt/St. Gallen (journalism)
1998 - 2005