The library service of the Wissenschaftskolleg obtains all media and information that Fellows and their partners require. The library team is also available for research on all topics and questions and mediates contact with experts, archives, museums, and other institutions.
On the campus of the Wissenschaftskolleg, Fellows and their partners also have access to a wide variety of electronic resource. Additionally, there is a reference library with handbooks and reference works in all disciplines, as well as the Fellow Library with publications by current and former Fellows.
IT Services
The IT Services offer Fellows and their partners individual service and support during their stay. As desired, they provide Fellows a workplace with a Windows, Linux, or Apple PC. Individual hard- and software configurations will be realized on request, if possible; personal devices can be integrated in the network.
Network resources like data servers and backup servers, printers, scanners, Ethernet, and Wifi are available campus-wide. Video conference equipment can be booked for our Colloquium rooms.
Fellow Services
The Fellow Services prepare the Fellows’ stay at the Wissenschaftskolleg and support them in all practical questions before and during their stay (planning and booking their trips, visa issues, registration, residence permit, insurance).
Special attention is given to Fellows who come to Berlin with their children. The Fellow Services aid Fellows in seeking suitable schools and kindergartens and organize childcare during Thursday dinners.
The Fellow Services also support the Fellows in preparing their Colloquia and public lectures, in organizing seminars with outside guests, and in inviting scholarly guests; it also assigns rooms and coordinates scholarly events.
German Instruction and Language Services
At the Wissenschaftskolleg, Fellows think and work in a number of languages, but communication within the institute is conducted primarily in German and English.
Intensive preparatory German courses are offered before the beginning of the academic year. During the academic year, group German courses are provided on various levels of proficiency, and individual instruction can be given at hours that are freely arranged.
Fellows who wish to lecture or write in a language other than their native tongue can contact the language service. Under certain circumstances, the Wissenschaftskolleg supports Fellows with translations or editing of texts beyond their Colloquium.
The website of the Wissenschaftskolleg ( contains information on the institute’s organization, structure, and goals. Information is also provided on Fellows past and present and on current events and projects at the Kolleg. In a special section of the website, accessible only to affiliates of the Wissenschaftskolleg, Fellows can access the library’s service pages. Here they can also find detailed information on living and working conditions at the institute as well as on the services it provides.