As a rule the Observatorium is a workshop involving former Fellows, Permanent Fellows and external researchers. A public soiree kicks off the event. The group looks at emerging fields of science or regions of the world that have been accessed scientifically to a lesser degree, and it attempts to identify disciplinary deficits or blind spots in already established fields while making hitherto unnamed problems visible.
Wie dogmatisch ist die Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit?
13. March 2024
Podiumsdiskussion – Welche Rolle spielt der Glaube in den Theologien heute?
09. March 2023
Navid Kermani, Birgit Klein, Martin Mosebach, Michael Seewald
Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Literaturwissenschaften für das Leben
23. November 2021
Julika Griem, John Guillory, Lothar Müller, Carlos Spoerhase