Fellow Nikolaus Wachsmann und Schauspielerin Corinna Kirchhoff stellten im Wissenschaftskolleg Texte von jüdischen Häftlingen des Sonderkommandos in Auschwitz vor. Paul Ingendaay in der Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Given the demise of the two-state solution in Israel/Palestine, the irreversible colonial entanglements between Israeli and Palestinian lives, and the ongoing war on Palestinian nationalism, many scholars and politicians are asking “what next for Israel/Palestine?” This talk…
Um 17:30 Uhr diskutieren im Gemeindesaal der Erlöserkirche in Potsdam-West PD Dr. Agnieszka Pufelska, Fellow am Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin Dr. Krzysztof Wojciechowski, ehem. Direktor des Collegium Polonicum Marta Szuster, Gemeindevertreterin in Mescherin und engagiert im Amt…
In his talk, Wachsmann will examine the history of the Auschwitz concentration camp by looking through a microscopic lens at a single day in its existence. The talk focuses on the lived experience of prisoners and perpetrators, exploring various spaces across the camp complex and…
20:30 Uhr Paneldiskussion "Vergangenheit und Futur II. (Politische) Strategien der Erinnerung in der Literatur" mit Fellow Per Leo, Paula Fürstenberg, Necati Öziri. Moderation: Linn Penelope Rieger. Vor Ort und im Livestream
What does the politics of solidarity look like in practice, and how can left-wing organizations grow – in numbers and power – while remaining accountable to the broader movements of which they are a part?
Location: Café MadaMe, Mehringplatz 10, 10969 Berlin