Claus Offe, Dr. rer. pol.
Professor of Political Science and Sociology
University of Bremen
Theory of the Welfare State
Tuesday Colloquium, 14.07.1992
Ethnic Politics in East European Transitions
Publications from the Fellows' Library
Offe, Claus (Baltimore, Md., 2004)
Offe, Claus (2004)
Political corruption : conceptual and practical issues
Offe, Claus (2002)
Offe, Claus (2000)
Anmerkungen zur Gegenwart der Arbeit
Offe, Claus (Frankfurt/Main [u.a.], 2000)
Offe, Claus (Cambridge [u.a.], 1996)
Varieties of transition : the East European and East German experience
Offe, Claus (1994)
Offe, Claus (Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1994)
Arbeit 2000 : Anforderungen an eine Neugestaltung der Arbeitswelt : eine Studie der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung rororo ; 13565